My name is Nataša Rhind-Tutt and I am the owner of Nataraja Yoga Studio in Ljubljana. I got acquainted with yoga in my early twenties and did it by myself for a couple of years. After finishing my professional career as a dancer I completed a basic yoga teaching course and a children’s yoga teacher training, both in Slovenia. I continued my education in London where I studied Vinyasa yoga (500-hour advanced program), Ashtanga yoga, prenatal yoga, and Japanese face, neck, and head massage techniques.
I’ve been teaching yoga since 2007.
During my career,I’ve also worked as a designer, professional dancer, and make-upartist. I’ve focused most of my time and energy on various forms of movement, I love traveling the world, and I like to use the most convenient personal hygiene products I can find. Due to my commitment to environmental protection,I prefer food and cosmetics made with natural ingredients and try to avoid accumulating too many things. I stay away from plastic packaging as much as possible. All of the above makes me a big fan of ONE F4R All, which replaces many different products, saves me money, and frees up space in my cosmetic bag, home, and on my travels.